Help for MARC Report (and MARC Global)
There are various ways to access the Help instructions for MARC Report.
Once you open the software:
- the Help button on the main menu provides:
- a link to the “MARC Report wiki”, where you will find:
- a way to do a keyword search on:
- the entire wiki
- only the help files for specific program options
- a list of:
- “how to” tutorials
- general guidance on topics such as installation issues
- some immediate instructions:
- “Quick Steps” (explains selecting a MARC file, how to check for errors, how to generate a batch report of errors, how to uninstall the program)
- “Using the Main Menu” (brief explanations of the main menu options and each of their sub-options)
- “How validation works” (explains how the “File/Edit Session” and “File/Run Read-only” options work)
- “MARC Report License” (a copy to remind you about your license agreement)
- “MARC Report Update” (a link to make it easy to download and install an update when one is available)
- “Tech support info” (provides important information, e.g., where the program is installed on your computer)
- “Report a bug” (opens an email message to tell us what you have found, in as much detail as possible; if possible, also attach a MARC file or single record that illustrates the problem)
- Once you get beyond the first menu, Help options are available on most of the menu screens to walk you through the options that are available for that menu. These are also keyword searchable at Search program 'Help' files.
You can also find help at the MARC Report wiki:
- A 'search' box in the left-hand column for each page of the wiki (except the “Search program 'Help' files”), provides keyword searching for the entire wiki, including the “MARC Report Help and Tutorials” and the “Search program 'Help' files”.
- A special 'search' box in the left-hand column of the page for Search program 'Help' files limits keyword searching to only those files. That page also provides a list of the program 'Help' files found on menu screens within the software.
- The page at the MARC Report Help and Tutorials link provides lists of help and “how to” instructions for Installation, MARC Report, MARC Review, MARC Global, etc.