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MARC Report description

MARC Report is error checking software for MARC records that makes it easy for you to catch and fix common AACR/MARC errors and common RDA/MARC errors, (based on the original Toolkit) with links to the MARC standards, OCLC standards, and the original RDA Toolkit. It includes thousands of cataloging cross-checks created by Deborah Fritz, the author of “Cataloging with AACR2R and MARC21”, and “MARC21 for Everyone”. These cross-checks (or Cat Checks) validate your MARC records and also check the internal cataloging logic of each record; with hot-links to the MARC standards, OCLC standards and RDA instructions from the original RDA Toolkit. You can also easily add your own cataloging checks to the program.

MARC Report also includes: a MARC editor, a Text Editor, an XML record viewer, Batch mode validation, and a collection of integrated MARC file utilities (Verify, Split, Concatenate, MARC Analysis, Sort/Dedupe), converters (Import Text, Export Text, MARC to XML, XML to MARC), and MARC Review; plus MARC Global. All of these utilities will quickly process MARC and MARCXML files of any size.

Once you get beyond the first menu screen, Help buttons are available to walk you through the options for some of the menu screen. The same advice is available in a searchable form here: Search program 'Help' files

For additional advice, see Help for MARC Report & MARC Global.

soft/mrtdescription.1641313514.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/04 16:25 by Deborah
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