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 **Now for the sensationally good news.** If you have ever wished that you, too, could afford to get [[soft:mgdescription|MARC Global]], it, too, is now free, with no additional subscription or registration needed. And we have enabled it for all current users who download version 258 of MARC Report; so, you don't have to do anything to start using it whenever you are ready. __Note__: If you have not used the MARC Global utility--a global find and replace tool--you should read about it [[https://www.marcofquality.com/m/doku.php?id=soft:mgdescription|here]], before you do anything irreversible to any files. **Now for the sensationally good news.** If you have ever wished that you, too, could afford to get [[soft:mgdescription|MARC Global]], it, too, is now free, with no additional subscription or registration needed. And we have enabled it for all current users who download version 258 of MARC Report; so, you don't have to do anything to start using it whenever you are ready. __Note__: If you have not used the MARC Global utility--a global find and replace tool--you should read about it [[https://www.marcofquality.com/m/doku.php?id=soft:mgdescription|here]], before you do anything irreversible to any files.
-**Download the latest version of MARC Report and MARC Global:** https://www.marcreport.com+**Download the latest version of MARC Report and MARC Global:** https://www.marcofquality.com/z/latest.html
 Information about the software and guidance about updating or downloading new copies of it, and other useful tips and help instructions are available via the links below. Information about the software and guidance about updating or downloading new copies of it, and other useful tips and help instructions are available via the links below.
start.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/08/15 19:32 by Rick
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