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MARC Report: Version history

Follow the links on this page for detailed documentation about the changes in each MARC Report update.

The current version is:

MARC Report 2.59 (July, 2022)

Previous version index

Older versions

The change logs for versions prior to 2.32 pre-date the current wiki; however, this information is still available.

For details on versions 2.07 through to 2.31, goto this link:

Version 244 was updated in June, 2015 to address a few minor problems with the new RDA relationship designator support. The full version number of this update is
Version 243 was updated in December, 2014 to fix a problem caused by pressing <Ctrl>F. The full version number of this update is
Version 242 was updated in June, 2014 to add support for MARC21 Update #18. The full version number of this update is
Version 240 was updated on February 19, 2013 to address a problem with a cataloging check for Tag 264. The full version number of this update is
This release marks the beginning of the new Edit Session interface
This release marks the beginning of RDA support in MARC Report
version_history.1658858332.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/26 17:58 by Rick
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