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MARC Report: Changes, Updates, Help
This site describes MARC Report changes and updates in as much detail as practical, as well as help for frequently asked questions, not to mention many examples and tutorials on some of the advanced features of the software.
Use the sidebar on the left to browse to the different sections of the site.
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You can also search the Help pages distributed with the program HERE
Click the gray program name caption above (top right) to return to this 'Home' page at any time.
Current (Latest) version: MARC Report 263 (Feb. 2025)
Version 2.63 adds:
+ Support for MARC21 Update No. 38 (June 2024) + Support for MARC21 Update No. 39 (Dec 2024) + Updates to MARC Codelists (Jan 2024-Dec 2024)
Note: No changes were made to the program code apart from what was needed to support the MARC21 updates.
A portable version of MARC Report is also available from the download page.
Included in the version 263 .exe download1) are two optional standalone apps that run from a commandline (thus, they may be scripted):
- mrBatch.exe – commandline module for MARC Report's Batch Mode report engine.
- runMG.exe – commandline module for TMQ's MARC Global.
Note: Updates are cumulative: if you miss an update, there is no need to install the missed update(s) in addition to the current one.
If you need an older copy of the program, send us an email–but note well: versions before 258 require registration, and we no longer provide registration support.
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