MARC Report ß (beta)

Version 245 beta

Status: Planned release fall 2015

<!– Available for download –>

What's new: Changes
<!– Dont change the text in the next line as its used in the mkbeta script

Final build: 329


Download instructions

<!– To install a beta version you should have the current version of MARC Report installed, and you must be a registered user. –>


  • the beta version will include changes made after the release of the current version.
  • we support our beta versions! If you find a problem, please report it to We will fix the problem and provide an update (here) as soon as possible.

For a brief description of what all the numbers in our program version mean: About version numbers

obsolete/current_beta_version.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/29 16:21 (external edit)
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