CMX Updates

If you are a MARC Report subscriber:

  • If you do not have CMX, use this link to update to the current MARC Report version, and you will then have CMX.
  • If you have CMX and tried to get the latest version of it, but were told by the installer that MARC Report's MARCXML module is out of date, follow the steps here to update MARC Report.

If you are not a MARC Report subscriber:

  • If you do not have CMX and are looking to install it, follow the steps here for first-time installation of MARC Report.
  • If you have CMX and tried to get the latest version of it, but were told by the installer that MARC Report's MARCXML module is out of date, follow the steps above to reinstall MARC Report.



obsolete/cmx_update.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/29 16:21 (external edit)
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