Value list normalization

If the 'Normalize data' option is selected in a value list search, the following processing is applied to both the data being matched in the MARC record, and each item in the value list.

1. The following characters are deleted:

' (x27 -- apostrophe)
[ (x5B -- opening bracket)
] (x5D -- closing bracket)
| (x7C -- pipe or fill)

2. Any ASCII character not in the following set is replaced with a blank space:

'0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'

(Note: the high range of the ASCII sequence is not disturbed: x80 - xFF)

3. Repeated blank spaces are replaced with a single blank

4. Opening and closing blank spaces are removed.

Note: if case is being ignored (a separate option in MARC Review), the string is shifted before the above normalizations take place.

Example 1

Librarians' writings.


Librarians writings


  1. the apostrophe after the 's' is deleted
  2. the ending period is replaced with a blank space
  3. opening /closing blanks are removed

Example 2

Loans (Assyro-Babylonian law).


Loans Assyro Babylonian law


  1. the left paren, dash, right paren, and ending period are replaced with a blank space
  2. repeated blanks are replaced with a single blank
  3. opening /closing blanks are removed