Editing 336, 337, and 338 in MARC Report

Whether you press F10 to hybridize a record, or whether you are editing a record that already has 33X tags, if you place your cursor in one of those fields, the program will now display a list of all valid codes and/or terms for that tag:

As soon as one clicks on the 336 field, the dropdown list of terms and codes is activated. The listbox is shaded slightly to set it apart from the other data in the record. The list is sorted in alphabetical order, with a caption in brackets at the top; note that selecting this caption ('[RDA Content Type]' in the above snap) will clear the contents of the field.

To scroll through the list, grab the slider on the right side of the screen with your mouse and move it up or down (alternately, use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list):

To select an entry from the dropdown list, simply click on it with your mouse; if you are instead using the arrow keys to navigate the list, just press <Enter>.

Note that the first subfield is not displayed in the list (this is true even if Add $a is not enabled in the options); the program will add the leading subfield as soon as a selection is made from the list. The purpose of this omission is to make type-ahead (a.k.a incremental search) possible. For example, if the field is empty, simply typing 't' in the 336 field will:

  1. open the dropdown list
  2. jump to the first entry beginning with a 't', then
  3. select that entry

At this point, one may simply press <Enter> to add the selection to the field and close the dropdown list1), or continue typing until the desired list value is selected. If we type, for example, and 'e' after the 't' then the 'text' content type will be selected in the list.

To edit the actual field contents by hand, simply click on the field a second time:

The second click will close the dropdown list and make it possible to edit the field manually. However, the list is still lurking in the background and may be re-activated at any time by pressing the

button on the right side of the screen (or alternately, by pressing the down arrow key).

in the example above, this will select 'tactile image'