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Added new term: honoree [rdaw:P10049]
Spelling of 'honouree' used by the MARC Codelist for Relators (and likely to be the form that appears in MARC records). To prefer one form to the other, go into your RDA Options.
Added new term: honoree (item) [rdai:P40022]
Spelling of 'honouree (item)' used by the MARC Codelist for Relators (and likely to be the form that appears in MARC records). To prefer one form to the other, go into your RDA Options.
Added new term: onscreen presenter [rdae:P20013]
Variant form of 'on-screen presenter' used by the MARC Codelist for Relators (and likely to be the form that appears in MARC records). To prefer one form to the other, go into your RDA Options.