For specific details on all changes to cataloging checks:
refer to the new wiki section devoted exclusively to that topic.
9XX not 949 951
–which the program interprets as all tags from 900 to 999 with the exception of 949 and 951. Press 'Help' on the 'Delete Tag(s)' form for an explanation of how this may be used.
Some customers have attempted to customize the .ini files used by profiles in the expectation that this might similarly extend their MARC Global options. Profiles make it possible for catalogers to use different sets of options for different types of files. We did not foresee extending this functionality to, MARC Global saved reviews, for example. 2)
This is just a caveat to be sure to thoroughly test your results when permanently cancelling a cataloging check (especially in a production environment). In some cases it is possible that cancelling a cataloging check (whether using the Cancelled Messages feature, or by customizing the Cataloging Check Sets) will create a situation where the code for a related cataloging check becomes unreachable. We are in the process of reviewing the code for these situations3) and hope to have that complete by the next version (243).