MARC Report 238: Program Changes

Auto-open changes

MARC Report should now recognize, automatically convert, and open the following types of files in Edit mode and Batch mode:


1. The files types listed above must be selected using the program's 'File|Select MARC' menu; double-clicking on them will not open the program2).

2. Not all of the derivative MARC XML3) formats may be auto-opened; it depends on the stylesheet used to create the XML file (and of course, whether we have one that will run the reverse conversion … back to MARC)

3. This behavior will not be available in the old interface.

Since all variable fields must have two indicator bytes, this is technically an invalid MARC construct
unless you have associated the corresponding file extensions with MARC Report, which is not a good idea in most cases
i.e., XML where the MARCXML is transformed into another type of XML