The function key used to pop-up the MARC Help window in MARC Report has been changed from F3 to F1.
When using F11 to add a template record to an edit session, the program will now automatically select the last template opened; the purpose of this is to speed up the repeated adding of template records to an edit session.
A new option named 'Display MARC positions in FF labels' was added to the 'Record display' page; this option is selected by default. Turning this option off will remove the numeric offsets from fixed field labels.
The program's MARC Help (available when you press F1) now includes entries for Obsolete tags and data elements. The text '–OBSOLETE' will be appended to the caption for each obsolete data element.
A new cataloging check was added to check for mis-coded publication dates: if subfields $a, $b, $c are present in the 260 field, and subfield $c does not contain 'YYYY', an error message will be displayed.
A new cataloging check was added to check the subfield order in field 260.
The phrase 'online resource' has been added to list of strings considered valid by cataloging checks that compare the 300 $a with the record type.
The option to check for the presence of Subject Headings in fiction records has been made more flexible.
Click here for details
The default diacritics menu (accessed using Ctrl-I in 236; F3 in version 3) is now sorted in order by the name of the diacritic, with the two new required RDA symbols for copyright and phonograph copyright at the top. (In the past it was sorted on the character code value, which made sense to a programmer, but not to any users). If you have customized the file keycodes.txt this sort order will not appear.