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start [2025/02/04 14:30]
Rick [Current (Latest) version: MARC Report 263 (Feb. 2025)]
start [2025/02/04 14:31] (current)
Rick [Current (Latest) version: MARC Report 263 (Feb. 2025)]
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-Included in the version 263 .exe download((but not included in the portable version)) are two optional standalone apps that run from a commandline (thus, they may be scripted):+Included in the version 263 download((not included in the portable version)) are two optional standalone apps that run from a commandline (thus, they may be scripted):
   * [[help:mrbatch|mrBatch.exe]] -- commandline module for MARC Report's Batch Mode report engine.    * [[help:mrbatch|mrBatch.exe]] -- commandline module for MARC Report's Batch Mode report engine. 
   * [[phelp:helprunmg|runMG.exe]] -- commandline module for TMQ's MARC Global.   * [[phelp:helprunmg|runMG.exe]] -- commandline module for TMQ's MARC Global.
start.txt ยท Last modified: 2025/02/04 14:31 by Rick
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