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Record Menu: File Menu: Export to Marc

Note: The RDA to MARC export present in RIMMF3 is a work in progress.

This option can only be used while in an entity record. If chosen, it:

  • converts the entity data to MARC21:
    • Manifestation data is combined with selected Work, Expression, and Item data to create a bibliographic record
    • Person, Family, Corporate body, Work, and Expression data export as authority records
    • Item data does not export separately (as a holdings record) at this time
  • saves the result as a file:
    • named: the RIMMF Identifier of the record, with the extension: '.mrc' (e.g., qpq00002482.mrc)
    • in your RIMMF3 folder called 'Exports'

Quick Steps

  • Keeping in mind the conversion explanation above, in an entity record that you wish to save as a MARC21 record:
    • Choose File | Export to MARC; or press <Shift+F7>
    • Note the RIMMF Identifier for the record
  • Go to your RIMMF3 folder
    • open the RIMMF3 folder called 'exports', and find the corresponding MARC record ('.mrc')
    • open the MARC record using some sort of MARC software such as MARC Report, or your ILS system

Detailed Steps

To export a RIMMF entity record as a MARC21 record:

  • With the entity record open:
    • Choose File | Export to MARC; or press <Shift+F7>

  • Note the RIMMF Identifier for the record
  • Go to the RIMMF3 data folder called 'Exports' 1)
    • find the corresponding MARC record (using the RIMMF Identifier you noted down earlier)
    • open the MARC record using some sort of MARC software. e.g., the MARC Report software (shown below)


When you open a record (not a template), and select the 'Export to MARC' option, or press <Shift+F7>, RIMMF will produce a MARC record, based on the MARC Mapping instructions; and write it to that folder.
menu/saveasmarc.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/07 20:39 by
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